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There are a lot of old wives tales out there...some will help, if you want to increase your chance's use these trying to conceive tips.

- Limit your movement after intercourse. Getting up right after intercourse can cause the ejaculate to escape out. Wait twenty minutes after intercourse before getting up and walking around.

- Try to keep the sperm inside your vagina as long as possible. You can hold the labia together to keep the sperm inside you. You could in addition put a pillow below your pelvis to assist in tilting your body so the sperm can move up faster.

- Try to make sex more enjoyable. Sometimes while a couple is attempting to get pregnant it will often affect the quality of their sex life. More pleasurable sexual activity results in a much larger sperm count and stronger "swimmers". This is the most important "Trying to Conceive Tip"

- Limit male masturbation before the days you are attempting to get pregnant. It will help to build up the man's sperm count and improve your odds of getting pregnant.

- Take prenatal vitamins. Folic acid and other vitamins are crucial during the beginning trimester of pregnancy.

- Don't drink alcohol or use drugs during this time. This applies to both the male and female. Alcohol can affect your odds of conceiving.

- Don't douche after intercourse. It could remove the sperm that has just been deposited.

- Don't have oral sex before intercourse. It is possible that the bacteria in the saliva could harm the sperm.

- Don't have anal sex before intercourse. Bacteria in the anus could be transmitted into the vagina from the man's penis. If you do have anal intercourse before, be sure your partner washes his penis before entering your vagina.

Some of these tips may seem silly or won't apply to you, but from my own experience of seven years of trying before I got pregnant...any tip that increases your odds is getting you that much closer to your goal of trying to conceive.

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