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Body odor, foot odor, and sweating

Maintaining personal cleanliness and wearing clean clothes are the most important aspects of controlling body odor. Deodorants may contain antibacterial agents and fragrances to mask body odor. Antiperspirants contain aluminum salts, which block the eccrine sweat ducts and obstruct the delivery of sweat to the skin. They can reduce axillary perspiration 20 % to 40% . In some women, They may be irritating, and they should not be applied soon after shaving. Obese women may find it helpful to dust talcum powder in the axilla and groin to prevent chafing; professional bicyclists use talcum powder for the same purpose.
Heavy footwear made of synthetic materials may create a damp environment that promotes the growth of the fungi that cause athlete’s foot. Dusting the feet with drying powders such as Zeasorb (or, in , the presence of fungi infection, Zeasorb-AF, which contains the antifungal agent miconazole) is helpful.

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