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Maximize Nutrients Through Food

A Superfood is a food that contains multiple nutrients, from vitamins, to minerals to antioxidants. All vital for our bodies. And for any living thing.

Let's take a tree for example to illustrate. If the tree is grown naturally outside, it will live for a very long time without needing extra nutrients. Take the same tree and bring it in your home, sooner or later it will need vitamins, the dirt in your pot will run out of it.

As for our bodies, since we are not connected to the earth, we need to physically ingest our nutrients.

Here is a list of common foods that contain multiple nutrients, and therefore provide more benefits than other foods, all in one.


There is little reason to not have a few of these readily available in your house, if they are not already around. If they are not, try incorporating them a couple at a time to get used to them.

For meat and alternatives, wild salmon and turkey seem to be of choice.

Although red wine has been said to be beneficial for its antioxidants, green and black tea are still preferable.

On the less common side, you will find flax seeds (can easily be added to foods), quinoa (a grain usually found in the healthy food section), cranberries (great for baking), raspberries (not very cheap), papaya (an acquired taste if you ask me).

Last but not least, the very nutritious Acai berry and Raw chocolate.

The Acai berry is becoming quite popular, has been featured on Oprah and is included in certain drinks and foods. Look out for the labels.

Raw cacao is still not readily available in stores. All chocolate in stores are processed and therefore loose most of nutritional value that is contained in the coco bean. To get the full benefit of chocolate you need an unprocessed chocolate.

All foods mentioned are well worth being included in a diet and should certainly be favored over a pill supplement. They are much more wholesome and nutritive.

Does it look like a lot of work? Do you feel your family might not eat enough of these foods? What if there was a way to maximize and simplify it all with a food that blends the Acai berry and raw cacao and would be delicious.

Here is a simple salad that combines some of the above foods. Toss together spinach, salmon, avocado, walnuts and cranberries. For the dressing use 1 part olive oil with 1 part maple syrup. It's simply delicious and very healthy.

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