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Causes and Symptoms of Duodenal Ulcers

To digest food and kill bacteria stomach produces acid. Some cells inside the lining of the stomach and duodenum produce natural mucus barrier which protects the lining of the stomach and duodenum because of this acid. Normally there is a balance between the acid made and the mucus defense barrier. If there is an alteration in this balance and it allows the acid to damage the lining of stomach or duodenum it can cause ulcer.

Complication can also occur in some cases so one should be careful and serious about ulcers and consult with physician.

Causes of Duodenal Ulcer

Infection with Helicobacter pylori

A major cause of duodenal ulcer is H. pylori infection (helicobacter pylori). If it is not treated its infection can stay for rest of your life.

Anti-inflammatory drugs

NSAIDs anti inflammatory drugs like aspirin, ibuprofen etc can sometimes affect the mucus barrier of the duodenum and can cause ulcer. Chances of ulcers caused by these drugs are very low (about 1 in 20).

Other causes and factors

There are some other factors of developing duodenal ulcer as well and it includes smoking, stress and heavily drinking.

Symptoms of a duodenal ulcer?

• A very common symptom of duodenal ulcer is the pain. This pain is in the upper abdomen just below the sternum (breastbone). This pain comes and then goes and mostly it occurs before meals or if you are hungry. Some time this pain so bad that it can wake you up from sleep.

• Bloating, retching, and feeling sick are some other symptoms. You may feel particularly 'full' after a meal. Sometimes the pain is triggered by food.

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