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Effective Treatment of Cold Sores

People often comes with a common problem of cold to doctor. From the common cold then it results into cold sore, which generally last from 10days to 2weeks. But if the cold sore lasts long it would be advisable to take an appointment with a doctor to heal it quickly. Sometimes when the home remedy does not work, then treating by allopathic medicines is preferable. There are various home remedies to treat cold sore but it is preferable to first prevent cold sores firstly. Prevention is better than fighting with the cause of cold sore.

Several home remedies for cold sores are available, now how to make use of it lies in your hand.

First way of home remedy treatment is to apply ice to the cold sore for 5-10minutes per hour. Or else there is also another way to prevent is to apply wet & cold tea bags for the same lapse of time as before because the tea contains tannic acid which has an antiviral effect. If constantly for five days you are applying warm tea bags to heal cold sores for half an hour it will surely show you positive result. Chocolate, peas, nuts, oatmeal and other foods stuff are the substance that exaggerates cold sores and in absence of it helps as home remedy. These food stuff acts as a fighting agent to reduce cold sore. If you are regularly intake tea or coffee, any oily and spicy food stuff that should be reduced to get rid of from cold sore.

Intake of proteins, carbohydrates or vitamins will help you in a great way to soothe cold sore throat. Vitamin B, vitamin B-12 and other food that contains folic acid plays the role of reducing cold sore from your body. Another home remedy that can work to soothe the effect of cold sore is as follows: -
Take 100ml of coconut oil, 2ml of dettol and 3ml of carbolic acid. Store the mixture of this in a glass or plastic bottle. Just apply this mixture once or twice a day directly on the cold sore. This home remedy works not only for cold sore purpose but also for boils, minor itching and mosquito bites as well. You need not out worry for its expiry period, it lasts long so can be used at any time for various purposes.

A praiseworthy example if you have catch cold in a quicker way is taking ingestion of four capsules of acidophilus with milk for 3-4times a day. Different ways to soothe your cold sore throat is rubbing aloe gel or juice on the cold sores or applying a mixture or paste made of cornstarch. Well, extracts of lemon balm also works well.

Lastly, a home remedy for cold sore is an herbal drink made of a combination of tea tree oil, herbal sage and violet – and herbal sedative. Even tea made from by adding this mixture, with 2-3 leaves of sage and a piece of ginger root or a little ginger powder while the tea is being prepared will serve the best to heal your cold sores. Dosage of this tea is to drunk 2-3 times a day to get the results quickly. Thus, above shown are the various homely ways to get relief from cold sore quickly at ease.

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